Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

graphing sensor data

What's the value of collecting and logging sensors data if no graphs are produced? (a rhetorical question :)

As with many things, graphs can be generated in very-very many ways. I preferred using RRD until I found an excellent alternative - dygraphs!

Here are some examples of how I've utilized the dygraphs powers:

Electricity consumption measured from the meter directly.

The "idle" consumption is from the inverter-pump, refridgerator, aquarium lighning+pump, home HiFi and couple of connected wall-warts.

The peak comes from coffe-kettle and some breakfast preparations. 

Celler's temperature and humidity measured by a HopeRF TH01.

All three graphs data is gathered by (2) AVR microcontrollers and stored in an old EeePC from Asus running a pure debian Linux. 

Temperature measurements from the my wireless weather-station's outdoor unit.